I hunt-and-peck, but not in the traditional sense. While traditional hunt-and-pecking involves one finger on each hand, my own, customized variety involves approximately two fingers and a thumb from each hand. The two fingers closest to the thumb (I don't know what they're called. Fuck!).
It's really a "proper way" and "hunt-and-peck" love child. That I have a patent on. So don't you fucking try that shit! Or I'll sue the pants off you.
(Why the above is Google Image Search's definiton of "suing the pants off," I have no idea. But all my image's are a direct result of what Google Image search thinks, so... er... so be it.)
The point is, this process involves the use of mainly four fingers and the occasion thumb. And yesterday, I got a nasty paper cut under the finger nail while at Barnes and Noble. Because I work myself too hard. What can I say, I'm just driven to excellence. But you already know that.
Yesterday, by the time I got home, the wound was not bothering me. I had no problem with the blog or the screenwriting pages I completed today. But today, somehow, I aggravated one of me typing fingers ("me" was used for effect. I did not misspell my [though I would have misspelled "mispell" {like that} if spell check hadn't corrected me. Thanks homeslice! {I know homeslice isn't a word, homeslice!}]). I don't know if it was the three hours of Modern Warfare I played or what, but here we are.
So, I put a band-aid on said finger. Two band-aids to be precise. And I can't type with a double band-aided finger. Because it is fat and occasionally types two keys. And because it hurts! I'm not made of stone! It's an under the nail paper cut! Ouchies!
So, I'm like an airplane flying on only 3 of it's 4 engines right now. So I have written you this blog about how I cannot write a longer blog. Though this blog is already far longer than I inteneded.
And, for that I apologize, middle finger who has had to pick up hurt fingers slack (the pointer finger maybe? Between the thumb and middle?).
Lord knows my middle finger doesn't need the extra strain. I drive in Los Angeles for Christsake! I'll need that thing again tomorrow!
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