Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Catholic Church's Greatest Atrocity Against Mankind

 First off, let me say this. Only someone raised Catholic is allowed to bash the Catholic Church, The Vatican, Catholics, or the Nazi Pope. Saying anything negative about the Church, no matter how true, is anti-Semitic (well, the Catholic version) unless you are a Catholic or you were raised Catholic (But not if you were raised by Catholics. This ain't no Jungle Book type situation). If I can't say the Jews are greedy and hoard their gold or that Blacks, excuse me, African Americans are all thieves, then you can't say what you want to about Catholic Priests. Doesn't matter which statements are true and which are false.

Since I am Catholic, I will say what we are all thinking relating to horrid stories we have seen in the media as of late...
 What the fuck are Catholics (and Christians) thinking when they close the mall today!?!

It's a Sunday. Some people just want to go to the mall!

"I don't believe in Jesus," you may be thinking, "I should still be allowed to overpay for damaged jeans. I should still be allowed to make myself sick by eating Panda Express in the food court."

You'd be right, if you said that. And let's face it, you did.

The Catholic Church has been responsible for some pretty horrible things over the centuries, but closing the Westside Pavilion Mall in Los Angeles may just be the most vile, wretched, heinous act imaginable. No, no "mays" here. It IS the most vile, wretched, heinous act imagainable.
What about all those Jews who want overpriced clothes and a sickening heap of Panda boredom? What about those Catholics who would prefer to spend the anniversary of the day Zombie Jesus rose from the grave only to be redeadened, in the mall away from their extended families? What about that poor employee on the third floor of the Westside Pavilion Barnes and Noble who gets asked by every customer who just saw that the mall is closed, if the mall is closed?

I've let a lot of stuff fly in the past, Catholic Church. Going to Church every week was one thing. Not allowing Gays to marry was kinda a dick move. Molesting kids probably wasn't the best decision ever. But closing the fucking mall on a Sunday?!?

Someone needs to take action against the Catholic Church and that Nazi Pope. CLOSING THE MALL WILL NOT STAND!
Whew... I just went a whole blog, that was written during an Earthquake, without mentioning Earthquakes once. Or twice for that matter. Nice.

Oh.... fuck...

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