Thursday, April 8, 2010

Release the Kraken! Or, The Curious Case of Liam and Pierce.

Liam Neeson can't catch a fucking break.
The man had the biggest hit of his career last year with TAKEN (As is tradition here at SIMPLY PASSING THROUGH HISTORY, I'm not gonna bother checking that "fact" [Even though STAR WARS: EPISODE 1: I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER THE SUBTITLE was obviously bigger.].) but right as he was basking in his well deserved glory, his wife kicked the bucket somehow (I don't remember how, what her name was, or if said event happened close to the release of TAKEN or not [You get what you pay for, you cheap fuck. Go buy a book. Or Nook. But make sure my managers I know I sold you on that shit, cause I get a cookie.].).
As everyone in Hollywood knows, following the death of a loved one, every actor has two choices. You either withdraw from the public spotlight, moving to Europe for a self induced drug coma that only an acting salary can support, OR you stick your dick in as many projects ("Movies" in regular folk speak) about town as possible, trying to forget about the dick hole you lost when your wife died (Oh my God, I am never tricking a woman into marrying me after that comment). You know, assuming you are a Hollywood actor. Everyone else has to either suck it up or throw down on enough rope (or extension cord) for a noose. Cause drug induced comas in Europe tend to be a wee bit pricey.

Liam Neeson chose the dick sticking route (No one expected any less), as following the death of old whats-her-name, he suddenly became attached (that's movie speak for "He's planning to act in that movie... maybe.") to a shit ton of movies (For the record, I doubt very much that Liam's actual Penis is visible in any of his recent films. Though if it makes an appearance in any, my bet's on CLASH OF THE TITANS [That's shit's in 3D!]. Release "the Kraken" indeed, Mr. Neeson. Well played, old man.). Movie sites instantly began to speculate that Liam (me and him are actually very buddy-buddy. Never cared much for his wife, though. Kinda a bitch.) was intentionally taking any project he could get his hands on, just to keep his mind off the loss of his dick hole (I swear I'm not really this horrible a person).
The facts (yes, now I turn to facts... to make a point) would seem to support such a theory. Since TAKEN, Liam has been in 9 other released projects, if you count being a voice in PONYO, PRINCE CASPIAN, and the video game FALLOUT 3. Which I do. He has 5 films currently in post production including THE A-TEAM (of which he appears to be the most bad ass part). And he has five projects "In Development" (but that doesn't really mean shit. LINCOLN has been in development for years and may never happen. But hopefully it does, cause it's to be directed by Steven Spielberg!). So, all together that's 19 projects following TAKEN! I realize some of these were likely complete before his wife's passing and others may never actually happen ("In Development" really means jack shit.), but that's still a really fucking full plate for one man. A lot of holes in which to stick his dick, so to say.
So that is the sad, sad tale of Liam Neeson. The man appears to be in every film at the multiplex because, well, he is.

But what explains this other British Invasion (Ok, Liam Neeson may not be British. In fact, I think he's Irish...? Isn't that all the same shit anyway?)?
Pierce Brosnan aka Mr. 3rd Place (cause his portrayal of James Bond is only the third best out of six) is in every fucking movie at the multiplex that Liam Neeson is NOT in.

Hell, they even tried to be in the same movie, but there was a bit of a miscommunication. Liam told Pierce (Also a good friend of mine. His wife is far less bitchy than Liam's was.) he was going to play Zeus, so Pierce signed up for PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS: BLAH BLAH BLAH, thinking this was the movie Liam was talking about, because as everyone in Hollywood knows (including Liam and Pierce), Liam and Pierce have been looking for another project to collaborate on for ages. And ages. And ages. Unfortunately, Liam was referring to CLASH OF THE TITANS. So, he went on to make far more money than Pierce. But, Pierce had the last laugh, because he went on to look like far less of a fool than Liam, who will never live "Release the Kraken" down.
Okay, so Pierce has stuck his dick in far less places than Liam. He's only had four released projects since MAMMA MIA!, two projects currently in Pre-Production, and four In Development. But, take a look at this tasty little factoid... Liam has three movies currently in theaters, while Pierce has four (if you were to find PERCY JACKSON GODS STEAL LIGHTENING BLAH at a dollar theater)! Pierce currently has THE GREATEST, GHOST WRITER, and REMEMBER ME (and OLYMPIANS) out while Liam has CHLOE, CLASH OF THE OLYMPIANS OR SOME SUCH SHIT, AFTER.LIFE, and possibly a movie he's narrated. But I'm not gonna count that one here (even though I counted it earlier).

So, for all intensive purposes (my purposes), Pierce has out-dicked Liam, with 4 movies currently in theaters to Liam's 3.
What's up Pierce (I'll be sure to ask him when we meet for drinks tonight)? What tragedy hath befallen you? And why didn't you choose the Europe/drug coma route?

Is it possible the loss of one's identity is far more horrid and painful than the loss of one's dick hole? What I mean to say is, has losing the role of a lifetime (James Bond, duh!) finally made Pierce crack? Was it one of those denial dealies where Pierce was in denial since DIE ANOTHER DAY, not believing he really lost the only thing that gave him value, until there were, not one, but TWO James Bond movies starring "that other guy" (who happens to make a far better 007 than Pierce.)?
 Finally accepting the loss allowed Pierce to move on to grieving, which he dealt with quite similarly to our mutual acquaintance, Liam.  At least, that's the only conceivable reason that Pierce "Bond 4Ever" Brosnan has more movies out at the ole' multiplex than Liam "My Wife Is Dead... Whah!" Neeson.

Because it sucks to lose your spouse, but it must suck to lose all that James Bond money more.

And so Pierce Brosnan has not finished teaching me lessons in my "adulthood." From a young age, Pierce taught me that women were nothing more than sexy sidekicks who will have partially clothed sex with you if you are about to save the world. Or if you had just saved the world. But only if they didn't turn out to be evil. Though, even if they are (evil, I mean.), Pierce taught that you can still let them them "sex" you, as long as you reveal to them after that you knew they were evil all along. And kill them.

But today, Pierce has taught me the most valuable lesson of all. That money and fame are more important than any sort of human relationship, no matter how much sexing is involved (Trust me, I knew Liam and whats-her-face very well. There was a lot of sexing!).
Thanks, Pierce! You're my number 3 guy!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Catholic Church's Greatest Atrocity Against Mankind

 First off, let me say this. Only someone raised Catholic is allowed to bash the Catholic Church, The Vatican, Catholics, or the Nazi Pope. Saying anything negative about the Church, no matter how true, is anti-Semitic (well, the Catholic version) unless you are a Catholic or you were raised Catholic (But not if you were raised by Catholics. This ain't no Jungle Book type situation). If I can't say the Jews are greedy and hoard their gold or that Blacks, excuse me, African Americans are all thieves, then you can't say what you want to about Catholic Priests. Doesn't matter which statements are true and which are false.

Since I am Catholic, I will say what we are all thinking relating to horrid stories we have seen in the media as of late...
 What the fuck are Catholics (and Christians) thinking when they close the mall today!?!

It's a Sunday. Some people just want to go to the mall!

"I don't believe in Jesus," you may be thinking, "I should still be allowed to overpay for damaged jeans. I should still be allowed to make myself sick by eating Panda Express in the food court."

You'd be right, if you said that. And let's face it, you did.

The Catholic Church has been responsible for some pretty horrible things over the centuries, but closing the Westside Pavilion Mall in Los Angeles may just be the most vile, wretched, heinous act imaginable. No, no "mays" here. It IS the most vile, wretched, heinous act imagainable.
What about all those Jews who want overpriced clothes and a sickening heap of Panda boredom? What about those Catholics who would prefer to spend the anniversary of the day Zombie Jesus rose from the grave only to be redeadened, in the mall away from their extended families? What about that poor employee on the third floor of the Westside Pavilion Barnes and Noble who gets asked by every customer who just saw that the mall is closed, if the mall is closed?

I've let a lot of stuff fly in the past, Catholic Church. Going to Church every week was one thing. Not allowing Gays to marry was kinda a dick move. Molesting kids probably wasn't the best decision ever. But closing the fucking mall on a Sunday?!?

Someone needs to take action against the Catholic Church and that Nazi Pope. CLOSING THE MALL WILL NOT STAND!
Whew... I just went a whole blog, that was written during an Earthquake, without mentioning Earthquakes once. Or twice for that matter. Nice.

Oh.... fuck...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Like most people, in person I am just that, a people... er... a person, rather (yet never a People Person). Online, I strive to be more. Online, I am not simply Nick Doll the people. I am NICKDOLL the Online Brand.

This blog is simply one pillar of the NICKDOLL Brand. Which is separate from Nick Doll the person. And yet, one. Kinda like the whole Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit dealy. Which I guess kinda makes me your God. Maybe.

This blog is for entertainment purposes. My entertainment. And if I accidentally entertain you along the way, then good for me. And if I don't-so-accidentally offend you along the way, then even better for me. I don't believe everything I say here. And yet, I don't not believe everything I say here. Have fun with that. I know I will.

Just because the NICKDOLL Brand says something racist, sexist, or lacking human morals/emotions, don't hold it against Nick Doll! Though fame is the obvious side effect of this experiment in online Branding, this blog should not cost me a job, a promotion, or a human relationship. It's just for fun, dammit! Not for realsies!

Enjoy the NICKDOLL Brand. Because it's Nick Doll where it counts. And just for fun where it doesn't. Just like Miley Cyrus, I'm the best of BOTH worlds, Bitch.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The fortunes are getting impressive. Damn impressive.

That was my fortune cookie fortune yesterday that came with my Panda Express meal (it seems we have confirmed that Panda Express drugs their food. Physical addiction is the only explanation as to why I would put myself through repeat eatings of the sub-par Chinese food.).

At least these vomit inducing meals have served one worthwhile purpose. I have stumbled onto the undeniable evolution of fortune cookie fortunes from fortune cookie fortunes that are not fortunes at all to fortune cookie fortunes that are diabolical in nature.

In my first fortune cookie fortune blog I brought to your attention fortune cookie fortunes that were more advice than anything else. Last fortune cookie fortune blog I applauded Fortune Cookie Fortune Writers for earning their FCFWGA cards for a change by writing fortune cookie fortunes that were a step in the right direction. Today, I plan to bring to your attention the latest wave of life ending fortune cookie fortunes that surpass even my vision of the apocalypse brought on by fortune cookie fortunes.

Though my proposal for dangerously specific fortune cookie fortunes has life destroying potential, the above fortune cookie fortune is incredibly effective in its vagueness. Which makes it frightening indeed.

Consider, if you will, the timing of said fortune. The fortune speaks of a "surprise gift" from "another" that will leave a "lasting impression." This fortune comes right before Valentine's Day. If someone looking/hoping for love got that fortune, they may spend the weekend waiting for a gift from a surprise lover. And it will most likely never come. Because Fortune Cookie Fortune Writers are not licensed psychics, they just enjoy dabbling in life altering fiction. And as discussed in my first fortune cookie fortune blog, if an actual surprise gift was in the cards, suspicions of black magic would still plague the fortune getter. Either way, the receiver of said fortune cookie fortune is in for a shitty weekend.
Or, imagine someone in a long term relationship. Might said fortune cookie fortune mean that your lover is going to finally propose? That sort of gift would leave a lasting impression indeed! But, when the proposal doesn't come, this person's expectations brought on by the cookie, that were not delivered upon, lead to an unsealable rift, destroying a young love that could very well have been lifelong love if not for the crafty fortune cookie fortune writer. Me thinks that anyone stupid enough to let a fortune cookie from Panda Express ruin a relationship isn't smart enough to reproduce, so this is simply the circle of life in action.

Lucky for me, I am neither in a long term relationship, nor hoping for a gift from an unknown admirer. The only surprise gift in my future is a Valentine's gift from mom, which isn't a surprise at all, because she sends me one every year. Thanks mom!

Unless... I have a sneaking suspicion that the "surprise gift" is either a knife or a bullet and "another" is actually one of my many enemies who would love to see me dead. Murdering me would certainly leave a "lasting impression" indeed.
Geez... maybe I better quit my job so I don't have to leave my apartment. But, then my enemies could still simply burn me alive in my apartment... Oh Jesus!

There I go, living the rest of my life in fear, because of a fortune cookie fortune!

Fortune cookie fortune writers, you have finally hit the big time!

(I don't promise shit, but hopefully this is my last  blog about fortune cookie fortunes. Though, with this Panda Express addiction, I wouldn't be so sure...)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Haiku (My first one! Don't be judgemental!)

Surprise Pubic Hair
Napping on the toilet seat.
You brighten my day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Drawing a Blank

I don't have anything to write about today. Literally nothing.
(The only light-bulb lighting up above my head is this one)

It was bound to happen sooner or later. I've basically written a blog a day for nearly two months now. And I've given you gold this week! Gold! (Maybe if I repeat words enough for emphasis and then give them a picture of gold for reinforcement, they will forget I have written nothing...) So, you know, if you want to give me a free pass tonight, go for it. We should all be so generous.
My mind is empty. No thoughts in there. Which is nothing new. But somehow I normally manage to squeeze a pointless musing or opinion out of my mind grapes. But not tonight. I'm too tired, me thinks. No thought wine floweths.

I had two 7am days this week. As in show up at B&N at 7. As in wake up at 5:45. Andrew is going to say, "Cry me a fucking River" or something. Probably not that, because I'm pretty sure he realizes that crying a river is impossible. The body literally can't produce enough tears to create anything even remotely resembling a river. Not even a stream is achievable with the amount of tears in the human body. Not even with a tear extracting machine (i.e. Up).
But he is gonna say something about me whining about having to wake up at 5:45 two days this week. And 7:45 another day. And then 8:30 tomorrow. But he's not on a human's sleep schedule. His is freakish. So his high-and-mighty opinion doesn't matter.

So, yeah... the brain cells aren't awake enough to write anything other than a blog about having nothing to write a blog about.

I did drink a coffee for the first time ever today. That I bought. I never drink coffee. But by 9:30 I needed it. So I bought one. Some white-mocha-expresso-something-or-another. I still don't know what that means. But I drank it. And it was alright. I felt less tired for a while. And I drummed my hands on the counter and railing for some reason. I think it was a side effect of the coffee. I may experiment tomorrow. Take the coffee again and then see if I turn into Ringo Starr.
(Say what you will about Ringo Starr, but the man could grow sideburns and a mustache.  [Who was saying anything bad about Ringo Starr?])

That's all she wrote. Ima eat and pass out.

Good night.