Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is the Future Really That Bright?

I get it. Sunglasses are cool. Put on a pair of sunglasses and your coolness factor doubles... at least.

But, is the coolness brought on by sunglasses really enough to sell a movie?

Warner Bros seems to think so.

Just check out these posters. Sunglasses in every single one. Seems like overkill to me...

I mean, don't get me wrong. Gary Oldman is pretty damn cool (see Air Force One, Batman Begins, or the Dark Knight.).

Denzel Washington is fairly cool (see American Gangster, Inside Man, and John Q), though I don't believe he could kick the asses of an entire room of people. Sorry, Book of Eli Trailer. No amount of Hollywood trickery and special effects could make me believe that.

Mila Kunis... well... there are a lot of words I would use to describe her, but cool is not one of them.

I guess what I'm getting at is, if you want to sell your movie to me, the audience member who drives LA and sees your billboards on a daily basis... use a little fucking creativity! I mean, slanty writing, sunglasses, and words that have "Eli" in them make for a pretty shitty ad campaign.

Putting sunglasses on every character is really... weird. Me thinks the poster designer has a sunglasses fetish.

And Gary Oldman, I expect more from an actor of your caliber. The "removing the sunglasses slowly" pose? Come on! You should have spit in that photographer's mouth, held his mouth and nose shut until he had to swallow your spit... and then beat him to death after he suggested that pose.  This ain't the 80s (sadly)!

Okay... I actually finally watched the trailer after writing all that... it looks like the sunglasses might actually be for a plot reason as the war "ripped a hole in the sky" or some such shit. Yet, there are several instances in the trailer when there are people outside without them...

My point still stands. A set of three posters all with sun-glass wearing characters is cheesy.

That's all.

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